A tree sprouts from the ground as raw life-energy flows across the battlefield, providing a huge regeneration aura.The strength of the wild is imbued on one unit’s weapon damage, armour-piercing, melee attack, and physical resistance.Cataclysm Spell: Merciw’s Monstrous Regiment.All units become immune to psychology and gain charge bonuses.Its total bonus is +22 on the following turn, and it will cap out at 100 within the next few turns – if it finally stops moving. It also adopts the Channeling stance, increasing it by a further +15, and is joined by a hero with the Magical Reserves skill, giving an additional +20% gain whenever the reserves are increasing. Once again that army moves, presumably on some sort of marathon, into a new region, this time with Strong Winds of Magic, providing +5 per turn.If it is a daemon-faction army, it will eventually start to receive debuffs – with the opposite true at the other end of the scale. It will have 40 reserves at the start of the next turn and will continue to drop the longer it remains here. That same army moves into a region with Calm Winds of Magic, which reduces by 10 per turn.Assuming nothing special happens, it remains that way. It is in a region with Blowing Winds of Magic, providing +0 reserves per turn. A basic, early-game starter army begins with 50 reserves of magic.